  • A modern real estate company relies on Supplier 360 to assess the best suppliers it can work with on construction projects and biddings 

    Companies can grow faster when they make more informed decisions based on reliable and continuously updated data. Being in a highly competitive and complex industry, CINUK, a real estate company established in 2017, knew that preventing supply chain risks would lead in the end to landing better business opportunities and to staying on top of multiple projects at the same time.  

    The challenge implied not only to standardize every supplier in their portfolio, but to find a way to assess each one of them to answer key questions before going into projects and biddings: Does this supplier has enough experience to work in this project? Its financial health won’t be a potential issue along the project? Can I get references of this company? Is it part of a larger corporate family that might represent even bigger projects in the future?  

    You can read more about how CINUK was able to answer these questions in this Customer Success Story.